معامل Delfi

AI-powered Financial Reporting & Management Platform

Finance & Banking
Finance & Banking
Predictive analytics

After 6 months of intense collaboration with the client, Linkup Studio has crafted an MVP of the Delfi platform. This unique tool fills a gap in the market, supplying small to mid-tier US banks with features that were earlier only accessible to industry giants. Thanks to Delfi, these institutions can now analyze their current situation and receive top-quality, data-driven future predictions and evaluations.

Currently, over 20 banks are giving Delfi a test run and incorporating it into their processes. They've noted some significant benefits from the platform, supported by the Linkup Studio team. For many, Delfi is proving invaluable, creating thousands of realistic market scenarios and assessing the vulnerability of banks' balance sheets in less than 10 seconds instead of days. It also drastically reduces the volatility of key performance metrics by up to 99%. Overall, by tailoring their financial strategy with Delfi, organizations are moving toward an additional 1% in net interest margin and reaching their desired risk-reward frontier.

Result delivered:
MVP delivered in 6 months
Total product duration:
Dec. 2022 - Jun. 2023
Involved Team:
12 members
Received awards:
No items found.
Discover how Linkup Studio designed a unique platform that's shaking up the banking industry in the US
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Discover how Linkup Studio designed a unique platform that's shaking up the banking industry in the US
Client & Business challenge

Identifying Challenges and Amplifying Opportunities for Small Banks

Our clients are highly experienced economists and data scientists with prestigious backgrounds in institutions such as the US Department of State, the US Treasury, and the White House. They identified a significant gap in the banking industry.

As of March 2023, the US is home to 4,512 community banks, accounting for 97% of all banks in the country. While major players have access to automated tools for their predictive and analytical tasks, small to mid-tier banks often need help. They typically maintain small departments dedicated to gathering data and producing extensive statistics in large PDF files. This format is not only rigid and challenging to navigate but also hinders forecasting due to its inherent limitations. Moreover, it doesnt allow real-time statistics where changes are immediately visible upon updating current balance sheets. These hurdles complicate the decision-making process, making it difficult to act intelligently based on available information.

Recognizing this, they turned to Linkup Studio. They sought a professional team capable of bringing design and development expertise to the table and launching an MVP. This product had to feature a set of fundamental tools to help banks become more effective and cost-efficient, eliminating the need for maintaining unproductive processes.

project description

Breaking Barriers in the Construction of the Delfi Platform

To address the particular issues faced by small and mid-tier banks and craft a practical, user-friendly solution, we at Linkup Studio took on a range of complex tasks:

  • Deciphering Initial Banking Reports: The banking industry is a labyrinth of complexity. This required considerable effort to demystify the processes, understand the nuanced details, and identify the crucial information. Then we had to determine the most intuitive way to present this information on the Delfi platform, all while balancing comprehensiveness and clarity.
  • Constructing a Logical Sitemap: Building an effective site navigation system was a task that demanded an in-depth understanding of each step and its value to bank analytic customers. Creating a smooth, intuitive user journey required carefully arranging a proper hierarchy to ensure that important tasks were not buried under less critical operations.
  • Designing Data-Rich Dashboard Visualizations: Banks' balance sheets are filled with an intimidating array of columns and rows. Our team had to immerse itself in this sea of data, understanding the purpose and significance of each piece of information. Then we had to clarify this mass of data into concise, compelling dashboard visualizations, requiring a keen eye for detail and a clear understanding of user priorities.
  • Facilitating Step-by-Step Projection Creation: Creating a compelling user experience was a challenge in its own right. We had to make it simple for managers to project changes in market conditions and configure predictions for specific bank policy scenarios, all while ensuring the interface remained intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Carving out a Design Style & UI Kit: It took several iterations and constant refining to determine a visual style that would resonate with users and enhance their experience with Delfi. 
  • Fostering Collaboration with the Development Team: To ensure the successful execution of the project, we had to maintain cooperation with our client's team and their engineers. We had to share our vision to align the development process perfectly with the interface design.
Breaking Barriers in the Construction of the Delfi Platform
AI-powered Financial Reporting & Management Platform

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AI-powered Financial Reporting & Management Platform

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