Process Business Analyst in Software Development: an Interview with Marharyta Hlukhenko

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In this insightful interview, Oksana Khrupa, Chief Sales Officer at Linkup Studio, engages in a detailed conversation with Marharyta Hlukhenko, our Chief Business Analyst. They delve into the intricacies of the business analysis process in software development, providing valuable insights for anyone involved in this field.

What is the Process of Business Analysis, and What are the Responsibilities of a Business Analyst in Software Development?

"Business analysis stage in the realm of software development is about crafting solutions to business challenges, taking into account various factors like market needs, target audience, and the state of the industry. In our field, the role of a business analyst extends beyond just analysis; it involves creating detailed product specifications, ensuring the solution is not only feasible but also aligned with digital product goals. This business analysis process is foundational to the success of any digital project."

How Do Business Analysis Processes in Digital Product Development Differ from Other Fields?

"The key difference in digital product development is the focus on creating a complete cycle of analysis. We're not just looking at the business side of things but also translating business needs into digital solutions. The steps for business analysis involve detailed planning and specification writing, which is unique to our area, distinguishing our process of business analysis from other sectors."

Can You Explain the Significance of Specification Documents in Business Analysis Processes?

"Specification documents are the backbone of software development. They offer a comprehensive description of the product, covering all functionalities in detail. This document serves as a unified source of truth for all team members, minimizing misunderstandings and unnecessary communication. 

In one of our projects, for instance, this approach proved invaluable in streamlining development and ensuring clarity among all stakeholders. It's an essential tool in the business analysis process flow."

How Does Collaboration Between Business Analysts and Designers Work?

"The collaboration is a dance between understanding requirements and visualizing them. We sit with designers and discuss how each page should be structured, ensuring the design aligns perfectly with the business requirements. This process is pivotal in our business analysis process flow, where we transform abstract concepts into tangible user interfaces."

What Advantages Does Early Engagement of a Business Analyst Bring?

“Engaging a business analyst early can be a game-changer. It helps build a robust foundation for the project and avoid later alterations, which can be costly. 

For instance, we had a project where the client had a good grasp of what they wanted, but only when we started our detailed analysis did we realize significant logic elements were missing. This early intervention is a critical part of our business analyst process and can lead to significant cost savings.”

Could You Describe Linkup Studio's Process of Business Analysis?

“Our approach is systematic and client-centric. We begin by gathering information from the client and analyzing it thoroughly. Using methods like decomposition, we break down complex requirements into manageable components. This methodical approach is a cornerstone of our steps of business analysis, ensuring that we cover every angle and detail of the project.”

How Does a Process Business Analyst Ensure Comprehensive Coverage in Project Specifications?

“In our team, we rigorously analyze client-provided documents, filling in any gaps through detailed discussions and analysis. For example, in a law firm project we handled for the US market, we realized certain functionalities and calculations were not fully fleshed out in the client's initial documentation. Our business analysis team played a significant role in identifying these gaps and ensuring a comprehensive and accurate project specification.”


The insights from Marharyta Hlukhenko shed light on the role of business analysis processes in software development. 

At Linkup Studio, we provide thorough and systematic stages of business analysis, ensuring every project, from the initial basic business analysis to the final implementation, receives the attention and expertise it deserves. Our business analysis project methodology is designed to deliver optimal results, aligning perfectly with our clients' visions and market demands.

About Linkup Studio

We are a product-driven software development and design company based in Lviv. Over the last 10 years, we have served up top-notch work for 150+ satisfied clients, including Porsche, Bosch, Reverso, Impactive, and others. Let the review scores speak for themselves: 4.9 on Clutch and a spotless 5-star on Goodfirms. The company has been honored with the most prestigious awards in the industry, like Red Dot, UX Design Awards, and App of the Day. Linkup Studio is about creating results that matter for our clients.

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