How to find a team for your startup

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In the video, Liubov Roztorgueva, Product Solution Manager at Linkup Studio, imparts noteworthy knowledge from helping startups find the perfect teams to actualize their ideas.

Through this episode, you'll gain insights on formulating a strategic hiring plan and getting advice on where to unearth top-notch tech talent, specifically for startups. Liubov also shares the most common challenges startup founders face when building their teams and providing tried-and-true solutions to these issues.

Additionally, the video will shed light on the key factors to consider when assessing potential startup teams and guide you on what to focus on when choosing an outsourcing team to collaborate with.

In the Episode, Liubov Talked about

Comprehensive Hiring Plan

Design an all-inclusive hiring plan that identifies your specific needs. Include roles, responsibilities, the size of your team, technical stacks to work with, and the project's complexity. Establish a budget, including salary ranges, benefits, and competitive perks. Lastly, set a timeline considering the length of sourcing, interviewing, onboarding, and training.

Reliable and Proven Candidate Sources

Utilize multiple sources to find diverse talent. Options include professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, freelance platforms like Upwork, job boards like Indeed, startup-centric platforms like AngelList, and high-skilled freelance platforms like Toptal. Also, consider referrals and social media platforms.

Challenges in Hiring Engineers & Ways to Solve Them

Hiring challenges include fierce competition, limited resources, time constraints, and assessing technical skills. Stand out by emphasizing unique aspects of your organization, offering special perks, utilizing recruiting agencies or tools, and using trusted advisors or assessment platforms to evaluate technical abilities.

How to Talk with a Business Development Manager

It is better to be clear about your startup's needs, goals, budget, and timeline when speaking with a BDM. Also, ask about their company's experience, expertise, and management processes. Then carefully listen and ask follow-up questions to ensure a good fit for your startup.

Key Factors for Evaluating a Startup Team

Evaluate potential teams considering their reputation, relevant experience, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, portfolio, and team culture. A thorough evaluation can increase your chances of finding the right fit.

Benefits of Outsourcing Companies

Outsourcing can offer many benefits, including taking care from hiring to equipment, cost savings, access to specialized skills, increased flexibility, faster time-to-market, and reduced risk associated with building digital products.

Linkup Studio is Here to Help

Linkup Studio offers support in navigating the complexities of team building and managing your startup. We have the expertise and resources to help ensure the successful realization of your startup vision.

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About Linkup Studio

We are a product-driven software developmentanddesign company based in Lviv. Over the last 10 years, we have served up top-notch work for 150+ satisfied clients, including Porsche, Bosch, Reverso, Impactive, and others. Let the review scores speak for themselves: 4.9 on Clutch and a spotless 5-star on Goodfirms. The company has been honored with the most prestigious awards in the industry, like Red Dot, UX Design Awards, and App of the Day. Linkup Studio is about creating results that matter for our clients.

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