How Business Analysis in Software Development Helps to Succeed

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Did you know that around 31% of software projects are canceled before completion, according to a study by the Standish Group? If that doesn’t set alarm bells ringing, how about the fact that poor requirements management is cited as the primary cause of project failure in 37% of the cases, as per a report by PMI? These are harsh realities that plague the software development industry.

In our latest video on "Building Digital Products," Ira Liubinets, a seasoned expert in the field of business analysis and Linkup Studio’s Chief Business Analysis Officer, explores the fundamental reasons behind software project failures and illuminates how business analysis can serve as a game-changer.

In the Episode, Ira Talked about

The Pitfalls and How to Dodge Them

Ira Liubinets covers several common mistakes made during product development, such as:

The Role of Business Analysis in Averting Mishaps

Ira discusses how a business analyst serves as a crucial guiding force throughout the software development lifecycle. Analysts assist in:

Tasks of a Business Analyst

The video delineates specific tasks that analysts undertake to ensure successful product development, including:

The Bottom Line

Business analysts are the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes to make your software development projects succeed. They help reduce rework, cut unnecessary expenditures, prioritize features, and more. Therefore, they are crucial for the efficient software development. 

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About Linkup Studio

We are a product-driven software development and design company based in Lviv. Over the last 10 years, we have served up top-notch work for 150+ satisfied clients, including Porsche, Bosch, Reverso, Impactive, and others. Let the review scores speak for themselves: 4.9 on Clutch and a spotless 5-star on Goodfirms. The company has been honored with the most prestigious awards in the industry, like Red Dot, UX Design Awards, and App of the Day. Linkup Studio is about creating results that matter for our clients.