Mentoring in Business and Entrepreneurship: Peter Sorgenfrei's Journey

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Navigating Business and Innovation with Peter Sorgenfrei

In an enlightening conversation with Peter Sorgenfrei, an independent entrepreneur with a rich history in digital business, the podcast explores his diverse career path and his insights into entrepreneurship. From his early days in the automotive industry to his venture into autonomous mobility and his current position as an advisor in coaching and mentoring in business, Peter Sorgenfrei shares his experiences and advice for budding entrepreneurs and business leaders. 

Could you tell us about your background and how it shaped your career?

“My journey began with a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. After working in the United States with Daimler Chrysler, I spent 13 years in New York City building various companies. My work encompassed a range of roles, from founding startups to holding leadership positions in larger organizations. Most notably, I led the growth of an autonomous vehicle operator in Northern Europe, bringing it to significant prominence.”

How do you approach changing domains within your career?

“Interestingly, I see my career not as changing domains from entrepreneurship to mentoring in business but as repeatedly applying my skills in starting, growing, and managing small to medium-sized businesses. My focus has always been on building companies from scratch to a certain size, beyond which I believe other leaders are better suited.”

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs building digital products?

“The key is to validate your idea with potential customers before extensive development. Test your concept and iterate based on feedback. Avoid spending excessively on marketing or distribution initially; focus on refining your product until it organically attracts users. It's vital to build something that truly meets customer needs.”

How did you transition from leading a company in autonomous mobility to coaching and mentoring in business?

“After successfully growing the autonomous mobility company, I encountered health issues, leading to my departure. Now, I focus on helping entrepreneurs navigate the challenges I've experienced. I provide a safe space for conversations, helping them find solutions within themselves and occasionally bringing in external experts when needed.”

As a mentor and advisor, what areas do you focus on with your clients?

“My work of mentoring in business involves personal and professional development, internal challenges like imposter syndrome, and external communication and management skills. I guide entrepreneurs through balancing their personal and professional lives, ensuring they don't face the burnout I experienced. My role varies from a coach to a therapist, depending on the client's needs.”

What was the greatest challenge you faced in your career, particularly in the autonomous mobility sector?

“The biggest hurdle was navigating the political landscape. Convincing politicians and dealing with the opposition from established industries like car and taxi companies was more challenging than anticipated. The disparity in political responses across different countries was a significant learning experience.”


Throughout the podcast, Peter Sorgenfrei's story unfolds as one of continuous learning, adaptation, and a keen understanding of the intricacies of building and leading businesses in various domains. His transition from an entrepreneur to coaching and mentoring in business showcases his commitment to supporting the next generation of business leaders, sharing the wisdom gained from his diverse experiences.

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We are a product-driven software development and design company based in Lviv. Over the last 10 years, we have served up top-notch work for 150+ satisfied clients, including Porsche, Bosch, Reverso, Impactive, and others. Let the review scores speak for themselves: 4.9 on Clutch and a spotless 5-star on Goodfirms. The company has been honored with the most prestigious awards in the industry, like Red Dot, UX Design Awards, and App of the Day.

Our approach to digital product development is rooted in understanding market needs, fostering innovation, and adapting to evolving business landscapes. Whether you're starting a new venture or scaling an existing business, our team's expertise ensures your project's success in today's dynamic digital environment. Linkup Studio is about creating results that matter.

If you are interested in the whole conversation with Peter, check out our new podcast episode!

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