
AR-Based Application for Streamlined Photo Printing

Photo & Video
Photo & Video
Photo Printing Solution

Linkup Studio created a SnapnDash mobile application completely from scratch. It offers convenient and accessible services for taking photos for renewing UAE and US visa documents, and having fun. Users can download them or place an order with a few clicks and get a package with photos through fast delivery. Our team researched the market and competitors and found out there were no services like that. Then, we created a complete product design, executed development and user testing, and then conducted the launch. We outperformed the initial estimates for works and provided all agreed services 2 months faster and at about 10% less price than the estimated amount.

So far, the application has been downloaded more than 1,000 times on Google Play and has over 600 registered users who snap their photos and make orders for printing photos. The product reached Behance TOPs in the “UI/UX Design” category.

The client is now actively promoting the services predominantly in the United Arab Emirates to attract more users. The Linkup Studio team is continuing to design and develop new sections and product parts to make the app even more influential, powerful, and pleasing.

Result delivered:
Total product duration:
March 2022 – now
Involved Team:
5 members
Received awards:
No items found.
Explore how Linkup Studio created a game-changing app that's redefining visa photo services in the United Arabian Emirates.
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Explore how Linkup Studio created a game-changing app that's redefining visa photo services in the United Arabian Emirates.
Client & Business challenge

Turning an Idea into an Effective Business Plan

The UAE legal regulations require all immigrants to update their visa documents regularly. Approximately 90% of the UAE population consists of expatriates and immigrants, totaling about 9 million people. According to the law, each of them must take and renew a new photo for documents twice a year. Hence, we identified a significant potential customer base for our application.

The Linkup Studio team helped the client investigate the existing market for photo services and discovered a gap. People had to visit specific institutions to have their photos taken, which was health-hazardous during COVID times and inconvenient and burdensome for certain demographic groups. There was no online platform addressing this apparent need.

The client wanted us to help refine the idea and then provide a full stack of product creation services to deliver an app that would make taking photos accessible and easy from the comfort of one's own home.

project description

Creating an Easy-to-use Application for Photo Taking and Printing

To create an application that would be truly needed and convenient for users, easy to scale up, and assist business growth, our experts faced and executed the following main tasks:

  • Interviews & Legal Investigations. As part of the discovery stage, we interviewed immigrants to define needs and expectations from a platform that can make photos for documents. We also studied the specific demands for applying for and adding photos for visas in the UAE and the US.
  • Scalable Architecture. To make development faster and more cost-efficient, we used Flutter. Our team started by creating an MVP app version with basic features. We used the Firestore database to simplify future backend management and considered compatibility with other planned integration platforms. We also designed the UX to ensure easy navigation without overwhelming users.
  • Photo for Documents with AR. We implemented a crucial feature allowing users to take photos on their smartphones. Our experts integrated Google's ML Kit for AR face detection, enabling users worldwide to create standard-class photos for documents accepted by the embassies of the UAE and the US. The application tracks face position, presence of goggles, beard, and background – every item in the document requirements – and provides hints to ensure compliance.
  • Photos for Fun. Linkup Studio developed a section for creating fun photos without rules, allowing users to purchase and order them in a few clicks with selected frames. We helped present the client's unique selling proposition – SnapnDash's fast delivery of photos in just a few hours in Dubai and within days across the United Arab Emirates.
  • Light & Intuitive Interface and UX. Our team created three style options, choosing the one that best matched client and user expectations: neat, tidy, and modern-looking to appeal to the main types of potential customers. Our designers also created a landing page to help boost conversions and attract more customers.
Creating an Easy-to-use Application for Photo Taking and Printing
AR-Based Application for Streamlined Photo Printing


In the creation of wireframes for the SnapnDash mobile application, our primary goal was to ensure a user-friendly experience that would cater to the diverse needs of expatriates and immigrants in the UAE. The wireframing process was crucial in visualizing how users would interact with the app's key features, including the AR-powered photo-taking function and the fun photo section.
Wireframe 1Wireframe 2Wireframe 3

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AR-Based Application for Streamlined Photo Printing

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